DigiWorks Enterprise
Login into DigiWorks
Login and Two-factor Authentication in DigiWorks Enterprise.
Sign In
To access DigiWorks Enterprise, enter the Digiworks server URL in web browser. Inquire with the ...
Forgot Password
Use the steps below to reset your password from the web browser In the Log In Page, Click on Fo...
Reset Password from My Profile
To change your password when you're logged in: 1. Go to My Profile. In the right side of the web...
Log in into DigiWorks using Two Factor Authentication
To activate Two-Factor Authentication, please follow these steps: Go to DigiWorks Mobile App ...
Register to Two-Factor Authentication
Before you register to Two-Factor Authentication, user must need to have: 1. An internet connec...
Access DigiWorks Dashboard
Preview of DigiWorks Dashboard
As soon as you log in to the system, you are redirected to the DigiWorks Dashboard. In the Dig...
Search Files and Folders
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, there is a search section where users can search files, folders and e...
Add Default Widget in the DigiWorks Dashboard
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, users can add Widget into their Dashboard. Follow steps to add Wi...
Add Custom Widget in the DigiWorks Dashboard
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, users can opt to add Custom Widget into their Dashboard. Follow s...
Remove Widget in DigiWorks Dashboard
Users can a remove widget in the DigiWorks Dashboard. To remove a widget in the Dashboard, fol...
Access My Profile
My Profile is the section where users can see and edit their Personal Information and Contact Inf...
View Documents Library
Documents Library allows users to upload documents, add indexes and metadata, create versions, co...
Browse Document Library
A document library gives a safe spot to store files where you and your team members can find the...
Create New Library
To create a new Library in DigiWorks Enterprise, follow these steps: 1. Upon log into the sy...
Create New Document from Template
In DigiWorks Enterprise, you can create a new document using the Template from the system. This m...
Upload New Version of Document
In the Document Library, users can add another version of document. Adding a new version may be ...
Upload Bulk Documents in Document Library
One of the features of the Document Section is to bulk upload different documents in the same tim...
Compare Documents
In an organization, users may have different versions of same document. This feature which is cal...
Explore My Favourites
When you add files or documents to your My Favourites on Documents section, the files or document...
Explore Recent Files
For the DigiWorks Enterprise, in the Documents section, the Recent files displays the last upload...
Access Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin is a location where deleted files or folders are temporarily stored in every version....
Explore Public Shares
Public Shares is a location where user can find documents which are shared, user can share a part...
Copy Document
In the DigiWorks Enterprise. user can copy one or more files or documents from one location to an...
Move Document
In the DigiWorks Enterprise. user can move one or more files or documents from one location to an...
Edit Document Offline
DigiWorks Enterprise is a great tool for creating and sharing documents online. It also has a use...
Edit Document in Microsoft Office
DigiWorks Enterprise is a great tool for creating and sharing documents online. It also has a use...
Download File
If you want to download a file from Document Library, DigiWorks Enterprise has a simple method to...
Preview File
Just like the standard preview of the file, User can see what's inside files using Preview. Ther...
Manage Permissions
By managing your permissions you can create restricted areas of the system that are only availabl...
Change Themes
Changing your theme only takes a few moments. Changing themes is like setting your own style with...
Edit Properties of the File
Every file stored on your DigiWorks Enterprise system is associated with a set of properties. The...
Change Languages
On DigiWorks Enterprise, the languages are available in English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesia...
Add Attachments
User can add one or more attachments to their file or document in the DigiWorks Enterprise accoun...
Look into Tasks
DigiWorks makes it easy to work with the workflow tasks. This section provides guide to users to ...
Browse My Tasks
My Tasks is a list of all of the tasks assigned to the user in your given organization. It allows...
Filter Tasks
With Tasks, Users can can filter your view so that you only see the task name, process name, stat...
View My Processes
When a Workflow is started, Initiated user can't see any task because he/she started the workflow...
Explore My Analytics
My Analytics gives insights into different reports about the tasks, process and SLAs. Users can g...
Access a New Workflow
In DigiWorks Enterprise, users can start a new workflow to assign tasks to another user or ask fo...
Sign using Digital Siganture
Digital signatures is like handwritten signatures wherein it is unique to each signer. It allows ...
Check the Records
Browse File Plan
File Plan or Record Plan is tool for organizing the records of the organization. It helps user to...
Add New Record Category
Adding a Record Category allows user to organize records by category. Record Category can have fo...
Add New Record Folder
Adding a New Record Folder can be done within the Record Category. Record Folder can have store a...
DigiWorks Enterprise DigiWorks Enterprise is the Modern, Multi-lingual and Responsive Digital Wo...