New Workflows
In DigiWorks Enterprise, users can start a new workflow to assign tasks to another user or ask for Digital Signature for the needed document.
Pre-Requisites to access a New Workflow:
- User has an account in DigiWorks Enterprise.
- User logged in successfully in the system.
To access a new workflow, follow these steps:
1. . Clickto explore My Analytics in the system
2. Under "NEW WORKFLOW" Drop-down Select any template workflows and then provide respective inputs to start that particular workflow.
* icon fields are mandatory
Workflow Title / Subject Matter Title | Enter Subject for workflow. |
Priority | 3 types of Priority: 1. High 2. Medium 3. Low |
Due Date | Provide time duration. |
Add Attachments | For perform any purpose. |
Assign | Select user/group to assign task. |
Send to Archive Unit for Filing / Reference |
If select YES attachment is mandatory. If select No Attachment is not mandatory. Task assigned to group in Parallel. |
Cancel | If not required to start click on cancel. |
Proceed | If click on proceed, the page move to next page for assign user/group. |
4. Click on assign
Task can be assigned to any user/group
USER | Task move to next user to whom assigned. |
-Task move to group of users under "Group Task". All user received the task , the user who claim the task under group task the task assigned to that user and task move from "Group Task to "My Tasks". -Group user not selected for Signature. |
5. fields enter at the time of assignee
Select user/group | Select User/Group for assign the task. |
Purpose | Select purpose. Note for Group we have 2 purposes one for information and other for action. |
Action date | The last date till the time task should complete. |
Remarks | For the selected user/group |
Save and Add more | Save and more if add more user for parallel task. |
6. User assign task for some purpose such as
Information | For information the user who received the task can view and acknowledge the task only |
Action | For Action, User can perform assign task to next user/approve . |
Sign | For Sign, User sign the document and send for print and dispatch group/user. |
7. Task can be flow in Sequential or Parallel
Sequential | Stage one completed task then move to next stage for task. |
Parallel | At a time anyone login and perform task. |
8. Start parallel Task: For Parallel task USER/Group selected once
9. Click on Next for selecting co-ordinate for signature on click + icon and drag the location on document for select sign co-ordinate.
10. Click on proceed the new task started. Flow shows under my workflow link.