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New Workflows

In DigiWorks Enterprise, users can start a new workflow to assign tasks to another user or ask for Digital Signature for the needed document.


Pre-Requisites to access a New Workflow:

  1. User has an account in DigiWorks Enterprise.
  2. User logged in successfully in the system.

To access a new workflow, follow these steps:

1. . Clickimage-1640143858456.pngto explore My Analytics in the system 


2. Under "NEW WORKFLOW" Drop-down Select any template workflows and then provide respective inputs to start that particular workflow.

* icon fields are mandatory 

Workflow Title / Subject Matter Title  Enter Subject for workflow. 
Priority 3 types of Priority: 1. High 2. Medium 3. Low 
Due Date Provide time duration.
Add Attachments For perform any purpose.
Assign  Select user/group to assign task.
Send to Archive Unit for Filing / Reference

If select YES attachment is mandatory. 

If select No Attachment is not mandatory.

Task assigned to group in Parallel.

Cancel  If not required to start click on cancel. 
Proceed If click on proceed, the page move to next page for assign user/group. 


4. Click on assign 

Task can be assigned to any user/group 

USER Task move to next user to whom assigned.

-Task move to group of users under "Group Task". All user received the task , the user who claim the task under group task the task assigned to that user and task move from "Group Task to "My Tasks".

-Group user not selected for Signature.



5. fields enter at the time of assignee

Select user/group Select User/Group for assign the task.
Purpose Select purpose. Note for Group we have 2 purposes one for information and other for action.
Action date The last date till the time task should complete.
Remarks For the selected user/group
Save and Add more Save and more if add more user for parallel task.


6. User assign task for some purpose such as 

Information For information the user who received the task can view and acknowledge the task only 
Action  For Action, User can perform assign task to next user/approve . 
Sign  For Sign, User sign the document and send for print and dispatch group/user. 


7. Task can be flow in Sequential or Parallel 

Sequential   Stage one completed task then move to next stage for task. 
Parallel  At a time anyone login and perform task.

8.   Start parallel Task: For Parallel task  USER/Group selected once 


9.  Click on Next for selecting co-ordinate for signature on click + icon and drag the location on document for select sign co-ordinate.



10. Click on proceed the new task started. Flow shows under my workflow link.