DigiWorks User Guide
1. Digital Workspace makes work easy in every business environment today as well as tomorrow.
2. Providing end-to-end services.
3. Customization of the Site make Digiwork unique and fit for any time, anywhere because of Multi-lingual.
4. Work cannot be restricted on the Desk. Available on System, Tab, Ipad, and Mobile too
Login can be done in 2 ways 1. Login without 2FA 2. Login with 2FA
Login Page give some extra support to understand the Site for User Contact Support : For help r...
Login with 2FA existing User
To activate Two-Factor Authentication, please follow these steps: Two way we can authenticate...
Forgot Password
Use the steps below to reset your password from the web browser. On the Log in Page, Click on Fo...
As soon as you log in to the system, you are redirected to the DigiWorks Dashboard. In the Digi...
Search Files and Folders
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, there is a search section where users can search files, folders and e...
Tasks Overview
DigiWorks makes it easy to work with the workflow tasks. This section provides guide to users to ...
Documents Overview
Documents Library allows users to upload documents, add indexes and metadata, create versions, co...
Multi Language DigiWorks Dashboard
DigiWorks allow user to choose language, from any page. Default language is English. On click ...
Add Default Widget in the DigiWorks Dashboard
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, users can add Widget into their Dashboard. Follow steps to add Widge...
Setting on Widget in DigiWorks Dashboard
Users can customize the DigiWorks Dashboard widget .Follow these steps: 1. Click on Setting ic...
Access My Profile
Profile setting is the section where users can perform many tasks. Click on Profile name. U...
New Workflows
In DigiWorks Enterprise, users can start a new workflow to assign tasks to another user or ask fo...
My Workflows
MY Workflows consist of all type of workflows started by user. Under My Workflows the task und...
My Tasks
My Task consists of all details of all incoming task under 2 sections. 1 Active Tasks Tasks whi...
My Analytics
My Analytics gives insights into different reports about the tasks, process, Document Summary and...
Over View of Document Library
Document Page allow your to user this page as library where hard copy of file and folder keep in ...
File Explorer
A document library gives a safe spot to store files where you and your team members can find the...
Generate Document
Digi Work give facility to user to create own customized files under Generate Document. Digi Wo...
Recent Documents
This page all Documents/Files which are used recently like create,Uploaded /Modified . This actio...
My Favourites
This Page consist all Favorites files and Folders. User under file explorer page perform action F...
Current Edits
This page give the facility to user to see , which files is under editing. User all action of ed...
1. Public Shares 2. recycle Bin PUBLIC SHARES This page consist under More link . User a...