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My Tasks

My Task consists of all details of all incoming task under 2 sections.

1 Active Tasks Tasks which still under in process not completed. 
2  Completed Tasks Tasks which already completed.



Summary section consists of: 

My Tasks All task assigns to user only.
Group Tasks Task assigned to group. The all members of group received the task. But assign to only the user who claimed the task and task move from group task to my task. And remove the task from other members of group.
Search Task


Enter process name for filter search related tasks. 
Sort task


Task sort on date.
Filtered tasks


User filtered task display under this section. And user give name according to search.


Click on Filter popup screen display to enter for advance search. 


Active Task and completed task both have Task details. As mentioned, in table:

Workflow Details

This page consists of all details of workflow as mentioned:

  • Process name with Id 
  • Started By, Priority ,Started Date, 
  • Instructions
  • Process table with name, Location, Modified time and Actions. For Document and Folder separate tab. 
  • Attachments Documents as well as Folders to add more. 
  • View icon to preview file/folderimage-1682316008726.png
  • Download Icon to download files.image-1682316873827.png
  • Sign iconimage-1682317160524.pngwhen click the document open in new page for sign to selected co-ordinate. Once document is signed refresh the page, after signed the signed certificateimage-1682316975627.pngdisplay.
  • 3 Dots icon give facility to perform some action on task files and folders.image-1682317028843.png
Attachments  This section consists of all Attachments.
Comments  This section is used for writing comments.
History  User can see the workflow progress.

Under Active task after completing the task user change the status according to their need.


Not Yet Started Not work started
In Progress Still under progress
On Hold keep with user
Reject Not agree user will reject the flow.
Approve Approve and click on complete button task move to next level if any.
Assign Task Task assigns to another user.
Reassign Own task assign to other to perform and complete task.
Unclaimed Task Group task the user who claimed the task will unclaimed the task. Once unclaimed the task, task move to group task and show to all members of this group.