My Profile
- Click on My profile under User icon
- Viewing the My profile page the below fields will display
- Can edit User profile photo, Room name, Room password and Language.
- First name, Last name, Job Title, Email id, Phone number can not modified can only view these fields.
- Time Zone, Room name, Room password, Language can modified In this view page.
Image Upload button |
Edit Button |
Save Button |
If you want to modified Time Zone, Room name, Room password, Language than modified and press savae button. Modified information automatically save.
Cancel Button |
If want to exit with modified than clik on Cancel Button. | |
Online/ Offline status |
Automatically Display user status |
Preference |
Meeting Room Name | Enter or Modify Your Personal Meeting name for virtual meeting room that is permanently reserved for you. You can start an instant meeting there at any time, or schedule it for future use. |
Meeting Room Password | Set strong meeting room password | |
Language | Choose the Language from drop down and click on selected language | |
E2E Password |
Enter strong E2E Key password to encrypt your chat messages for security purpose. |
Person Details | First Name | First Name will be display Automatically |
Last Name | Last Name will be display Automatically | |
Job Title | Job Title will be display Automatically | |
Email ID | Email will be display Automatically | |
Phone Number | Phone number will be automatically displayed |