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106 total results found
View My Processes
When a Workflow is started, Initiated user can't see any task because he/she started the workflow...
Reset Password from My Profile
To change your password when you're logged in: 1. Go to My Profile. In the right side of the web...
Access Recycle Bin
Recycle Bin is a location where deleted files or folders are temporarily stored in every version....
Explore Recent Files
For the DigiWorks Enterprise, in the Documents section, the Recent files displays the last upload...
Register to Two-Factor Authentication
Before you register to Two-Factor Authentication, user must need to have: 1. An internet connec...
Explore My Favourites
When you add files or documents to your My Favourites on Documents section, the files or document...
Upload Bulk Documents in Document Library
One of the features of the Document Section is to bulk upload different documents in the same tim...
Upload New Version of Document
In the Document Library, users can add another version of document. Adding a new version may be ...
Remove Widget in DigiWorks Dashboard
Users can a remove widget in the DigiWorks Dashboard. To remove a widget in the Dashboard, fol...
Access a New Workflow
In DigiWorks Enterprise, users can start a new workflow to assign tasks to another user or ask fo...
Explore My Analytics
My Analytics gives insights into different reports about the tasks, process and SLAs. Users can g...
Create New Document from Template
In DigiWorks Enterprise, you can create a new document using the Template from the system. This m...
Access My Profile
My Profile is the section where users can see and edit their Personal Information and Contact Inf...
Add Default Widget in the DigiWorks Dashboard
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, users can add Widget into their Dashboard. Follow steps to add Wi...
Search Files and Folders
In the DigiWorks Dashboard, there is a search section where users can search files, folders and e...
Preview of DigiWorks Dashboard
As soon as you log in to the system, you are redirected to the DigiWorks Dashboard. In the Dig...
Log in into DigiWorks using Two Factor Authentication
To activate Two-Factor Authentication, please follow these steps: Go to DigiWorks Mobile App ...
Forgot Password
Use the steps below to reset your password from the web browser In the Log In Page, Click on Fo...
Sign In
To access DigiWorks Enterprise, enter the Digiworks server URL in web browser. Inquire with the ...
Explore Public Shares
Public Shares is a location where user can find documents which are shared, user can share a part...